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Поздравления +на английском языке

Как на английском С рождеством.


Merry Christmas! - означает на русском-- Счастливого Рождества на английском.

Happy New Year! -- означает Счастливого Нового Года на английском языке.

С праздником на английском! перевод , Happy holiday!


С днем рoждения на английском, перевод Happy birthday!

Поздравления на английском языке:

Forever modest, meek in bearing,
As gay as morning's rosy dress,
Like any poet - open, caring,
As sweet as love's own soft caress.


Всегда скромна, всегда послушна,
Всегда как утро весела,
Как жизнь поэта простодушна,
Как поцелуй любви мила.

А. С. Пушкин


All harmony, all marvel, she,
Above the world and passionless:
She rests serene shamefastedly
In her triumphant loveliness;
She looks around her left and right:
She has no rival and no peer;
The beauties of our pallid sphere
Have vanished in her blinding light.


Все в ней гармония, все диво,
Все выше мира и страстей;
Она покоиться стыдливо
В красе торжественной своей;
Она кругом себя взирает:
Ей нет соперниц, нет подруг;
Красавиц наших бледный круг 
В ее сиянье исчезает.

А. С. Пушкин

Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight;
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.


Мой глаз и сердце - издавна в борьбе:
Они тебя не могут поделить.
Мой глаз твой образ требует себе,
А сердце в сердце хочет утаить.

Вильям Шекспир.


Поздравления на английском с переводом.


Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.


Рай не будет для меня раем, если я не встречу там моей жены.



Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight;
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.

Мой глаз и сердце - издавна в борьбе:
Они тебя не могут поделить.
Мой глаз твой образ требует себе,
А сердце в сердце хочет утаить.

Вильям Шекспир



Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
Charles Reade

Красота - это сила, и улыбка - ее меч. 
Чарлз Рид




All harmony, all marvel, she,
Above the world and passionless:
She rests serene shamefastedly
In her triumphant loveliness;
She looks around her left and right:
She has no rival and no peer;
The beauties of our pallid sphere
Have vanished in her blinding light.

Все в ней гармония, все диво,
Все выше мира и страстей;
Она покоиться стыдливо
В красе торжественной своей;
Она кругом себя взирает:
Ей нет соперниц, нет подруг;
Красавиц наших бледный круг 
В ее сиянье исчезает.

А. С. Пушкин




Forever modest, meek in bearing,
As gay as morning's rosy dress,
Like any poet - open, caring,
As sweet as love's own soft caress.

Всегда скромна, всегда послушна,
Всегда как утро весела,
Как жизнь поэта простодушна,
Как поцелуй любви мила.

А. С. Пушкин




Поздравления на английском с праздником



Я желаю Вам многих лет жизни....Many happy returns of the day! ( дословно: чтобы этот день повторился много раз);

Я желаю Вам счастливого дня рождения....I wish you a very happy birthday!

английские открытки, открытки на английском языке, английские, английские поздравления 




Английские поздравления с днем рождения.


Happy Birthday!
Today's the day
We get to say
We're happy you were born-




The Wish
Each birthday wish
I've ever made
Really does come true
Each year I wish
I'll grow some more
And every year




The Birthday Cake
Today is ______'s birthday
Let's make him/her a cake.
Mix and stir, stir and mix
Then into the oven to bake.




Here's the cake so nice and round,
We ice it ______ and white.
We put __bhdrfgUbf75z_ candles on it
To make the birthday bright.
Happy birthday, ___________!


The Birthday Cake
Today is my birthday
I think I'll make a cake
Mix and stir, stir and mix
Then into the oven to bake.


Here's the cake so nice and round,
I'll put icing on so white.
I'll put on all the candles
To make my birthday bright!


Happy birthday to me!
__1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!
And on her cake, she has _#&35;_ candles.
What a happy day!
With a puff puff here
And a puff puff there,
Here a puff
There a puff
Everywhere a puff puff
__1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!




The Birthday Cow
Happy Mooday to you,
Happy Mooday to you.
Happy Mooday
Dear Yooday,
Happy Mooday to you!ъ




__________, your birthday is today.
We will listen to what you say.
Tell us now what we should do.
We will do it just for you!
__________, your birthday is today!
Happy, happy, happy day!




When someone is as nice as you it’s natural, you know,
For friends to often think of you and want to tell you so
That’s why this special greeting has come your way to say
That many warm and cheerful thoughts are there with you today
I wish for you to have a very happy birthday.
Thinking of you and hoping your birthday is a really great day – the way it ought to be for someone as special as you.




Поздравляю с юбилеем на английском

Поздравляю с юбилеем на английском -Happy anniversary!

Я могу Вас поздравить?...May I congratulate you?
Пожалуйста, примите мои поздравления(с...)....Please accept my congratulations (on / upon);
Я поздравляю Вас с....I congratulate you on....;
Я желаю Вам....I wish you…

счастья на английском-happiness;

здоровья и благополучия на английском-health and wealth;

много успехов, достижений на английском-a lot of success;

удачи на английском-good luck;
Будь здоров и благополучен на английском-Be healthy and wealthy;
Всего самого лучшего на английском!...All the best!
Пусть Ваш праздник (будет) приятным....Have an enjoyable holiday;
Пусть Ваша вечеринка (будет) радостной....Have a joyful party;
Я очень надеюсь, что все Ваши мечты сбудутся....I do hope all your dreams will come true;
Огромное спасибо на английском....Thank you ever so much;
Спасибо за Ваши добрые пожелания на английском...Thank you for your kind wishes;


Поздравления с днем Влюбленных на английском,

с днем сятого Валентина на английском. и просто стихи о Любви

When I think of love ...
I think of roses and red hearts ...
quiet walks ...
and very soft, tranquil music ...
I envision an eagle taking flight on a crisp fall morn ...
the first snowflake in the winter ...
and the sound of the first robin in the spring ...
I envision a glorious sunrise ...
a spectacular rainbow ...
and stars brightly shining on a summer night ...
But most of all, I envision you ...
your eyes radiating warmth, joy and vibrance ...
and the tender feelings in my heart
from your friendly smile.




What's in a name ? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called.

William Shakespeare




Valentine's Day is a day of love
Where love is as bright as the sun
We share kisses, and even a hug
With people we call our loved ones
Unrequited love is oh! so harsh
When the one you love doesn't love you
You feel you're left standing in the dark
Wishing this reality were untrue
Well that's why Valentine's Day is so great
It encourages you to show you care
It makes you just wanna say
I love you and will always be there
I once loved someone in this way
And I was encouraged on Valentine's
I went up to him, just to say
I would like you to be mine



Through all eternity to thee
A joyful song I'll raise,
For oh! Eternity is too short
To utter all thy praise.

Joseph Addison



The way you turn me on
Is like the switch of a light
Because when I see you
I think: What a sight!
You brighten things up
Throughout the whole day
And when you're about to leave
I say to myself: Please stay

Some day you might be my lover
Some day you might be my friend
Whichever one comes first
I hope will never end
Although I don't really know you
You mean a ton to me
A ton as big as heaven
Is what I want you to see.

Now I'm not sure you're single
You might be happily in love
Whomever he might be
He is very lucky
If there's no one to fulfill
That great big happiness
That brings such great a feeling
Of sweet and joy and bless
I would be the one
To bring that all to you
I'll always do you right
If you want me to.
A rose for you





She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright,
Meet in the aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven and gaudy day denies.


Поздравления с рождеством..

So now is come our joyful feast
Let every man be jolly
Each room with ivy leaves is dressed
And every post with holly
Let all the streets with echoes ring
Woods, and hills, and everything
Bear witness, we are merry




May you have the gladness of Christmas
which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas
which is peace;
The heart of Christmas
which is love.



Love so easily understands

What you can see is the smallest part;
You don't need Christmas in your hands
When you have Christmas in your heart.




It's Christmas time around the world,
You'll hear the Yule bells ring.
It's time for giving, time for love,
It's time for hearts to sing.

Merry Christmas to you one and all,
Goodwill and happiness,
Good health throughout the coming year,
May all your days be blessed.




Its Christmas time again
The season of renewal
Love, faith, charity
And all that is beautiful
Chimes greatly in to every heart
Beating in celebrations
Of Spirit, togetherness, and affirmation.




Holiday Joy and Holiday Cheer
Gift Giving Time is finally Here
Light Up a Candle or Put up a Wreath
Leave a Cookie for Santa On Christmas Eve
Hang Up the Stockings Put a Ball on the Tree
If it Snows Make a Snowman for all to see!